NAT Kludge Solution
NAT boxes as a kludge solution to IPV4 life Since before 2000 there was an insufficiency in the number of IP addresses, an ISP could have an address of /16 (65,535 host numbers) and the migration t...
NAT boxes as a kludge solution to IPV4 life Since before 2000 there was an insufficiency in the number of IP addresses, an ISP could have an address of /16 (65,535 host numbers) and the migration t...
Standard HTTP response codes.(ilustative table) Family Code Description 1XX Informational 100 Continue 101 ...
Some preventive controls for the security of the organization To mitigate security flaws before they reach production, it is crucial to integrate security controls into the DevOps. Static Appl...
Chain effect of vulnerabilities The different implementation layers of digital technologies create dependencies that can sometimes lead to security failures with a “chain effect,” thereby impacting...
Standard ports and services(ilustrative table) Port Name Service Description 1 tcpmux Multiplexor TCP 5 rje ...
Linux Network Tools nmap nmap is a tool mainly focused on network discovery, allowing other operations such as acting on network services. It includes plugins and the ability to add functiona...
IPv6 protocol IPv6 is a protocol that was born from detected base deficiencies in IPv4. IPv4 has a maximum of 4,294,967,296 addresses while IPv6 has a maximum of 7.8 * 10^28 (vm). IPv6 addresses ...
About Cryptographic and Hashing Algorithms Frequent uses of cryptographic algorithms. Sensitive data storage Data transmission with cryptographic keys Checksums, reduction algorithms Fing...
About Linux Processes Fork, parent and child process In the execution of the processes, some are born from others. The processes that give rise to the others are known as parents and those th...
Linux access control Resources limited by users and groups in Linux/Unix In linux it is common to find users and groups by their group identifier and by their user identifier, “GID” and “UID” r...
Command Console and Scripting in Bash Pipes and Redirections (‘|’ & ‘>’). Pipes: The Pipes, ‘ ’, allow us to redirect the output of one process ...